

I’ve been writing show reports with the fine folks at NoEcho over the last year as a means to have something more substantial to do with my photos instead of an Instagram post accompanied by a snarky caption. The articles have been a combination of my personal experiences at these gigs and my journey to get there with photos unrelated to music included. I’m deciding now to utilize the blog section of this website that I actually pay for and focus less on music and more on other aspects of photography that I used to enjoy but have let fall by the wayside.

I decided this about 20 minutes ago, so I don’t really have anything to say right now, but I will start this venture off with exactly what I wanted to avoid - a show report that went unpublished. Probably because it’s boring and not my best work, probably because I just wrote it without pitching first, probably because I was self-deprecating toward my own work in it, probably something else, or probably nothing! We’re a big fan of overthinking here at Allix HQ.

Let’s go.